Birdtail Shorthorns Heading


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Birdtail FM Annie 46R Birdtail G Belle 28W
Birdtail FM Annie 46R Birdtail G Belle 28W
Birdtail G Red Betsy 15S Birdtail IR Betsy Sue 4M
Birdtail G Red Betsy 15S Birdtail IR Betsy Sue 4M
Birdtail IR Remembrance 3M Birdtail TP Remembrance 25T
Birdtail IR Remembrance 3M Birdtail TP Remembrance 25T
Bromelee BW Lilac 17L Commercial cow and calf at Birdtail Shorthorns
Bromelee BW Lilac 17L Commercial cow and calf

Ray and Susan Armbruster
Box 597
Rossburn, Manitoba, Canada
R0J 1V0
Telephone: (204) 859-2088


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